Introducing Groov Social Impact—Using Our B2B Technology for Social Good

Through Groov Social Impact, we’re extending the power of our B2B technology to create positive change in communities, families, and across different causes.

At Groov, our fast-growing B2B technology business is laser-focused on elevating people and performance in the workplace. But we know that success at work is shaped by more than just the office—it’s influenced by what happens at home, in communities, and beyond. That’s why we’ve launched Groov Social Impact, extending the power of our technology to make a difference across multiple areas of life.

“How you feel and perform every day is massively influenced by day-to-day stressors at work and home. Groov Social Impact leverages the same cutting-edge workplace science technology that has driven positive change in workplaces around the world, and now brings it right into people’s living rooms,” says Matt Krogstad, Groov CEO.

Groov Social Impact initiatives include:

  • The Groov App. Taking the best of Groov’s workplace technology, the Groov App—supported by Health New Zealand—is packed with bite-sized tools and content, courses and collections to support your wellbeing. Download the app, and have it as your daily companion. It’s been downloaded over 300,000 times globally!

  • The NZ Check In. Starting this Mental Health Awareness Week, App users will be asked a question every day to help them reflect and support their own wellbeing, but also contribute to building an ongoing nationwide picture of what small things we’re putting in our day to take care of ourselves. Join the NZ Check-In here!

  • Burnout E-Learning: With up to 3/4 of people displaying signs of, or at risk of, burnout, we teamed up with our friends at Chameleon Creator (a beautiful e-learning creation platform) to share our workplace science expertise. We’ve collaborated to provide a free module on Burnout to support the general population and our L&D folk.

Plus more initiatives coming soon!

If you’d like to approach us about a Social Impact initiative you think we should be involved in, contact us on


Join the NZ Check-In for Mental Health Awareness Week 2024


Building community and connection: A key to health and wellbeing