How to create a daily wellbeing plan

A quick guide to help you stay in your daily Groov.

Take care of yourself every single day with a daily wellbeing plan!

Follow these three simple steps to create a wellbeing plan that works for you.

Step 1: Create a Groov 6 Pillars plan

The Groov 6 Pillars of Wellbeing are everything you need to create a daily wellbeing plan.

Doing at least one thing daily from each pillar will help you feel good, function well, and bounce back from stress.

The Groov 6 Pillars of Wellbeing are:

●  Chill: Calm the body and mind, and be present

●  Do: Keep learning, get creative

●  Connect: Build relationships, boost connection

●  Move: Stay active, feel energized

●  Celebrate: Find gratitude, live your values

●  Enjoy: Prioritize self-care, focus on fun

Start by writing down activities you enjoy doing from each of the pillars. Then, choose a few you’d like to do every day – and you’ll have the basis of your daily plan!

Need help with ideas? Check out our 6 Pillars poster.

Step 2: Set achievable daily goals

Choose daily goals that you know you’ll be able to achieve even when stressed, tired, overwhelmed, or unwell.

Achievable daily goals might look like this:

  • Deep breathing for one minute a day (Chill)

  • Learning one new word in a different language (Do)

  • Sending a lovely message to a friend (Connect)

  • Going for a walk around the block (Move)

  • Thinking about one good thing before bed (Celebrate)

  • Watching a short comedy clip (Enjoy)

Revisit your daily goals every few months to see if you can spend more time on your wellbeing.

Step 3: DOT, then DAT

If the above steps feel too overwhelming for you, DOT, then DAT. Do One Thing and then Do Another Thing. Choose one small thing for your wellbeing and do that every day. Then, when you’re ready, add another thing. DOT then DAT is a great way to sustainably improve your daily wellbeing over time.

Remember, the little actions you do make a big difference. So start small and build from there.


64 wellbeing ideas from the Groov team


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