Upskill your managers with data-driven insights from Groov

Groov helps executives upskill their managers by providing real-time insights into team dynamics, performance, and engagement. With Groov, your managers gain the tools and support they need to lead with confidence, adapt to changing business needs, and drive better outcomes for the organisation.

Provide managers with real-time insights to lead effectively

Groov provides immediate insights into how new employees are adjusting to their roles, allowing executives to track engagement and address any onboarding challenges early. This visibility ensures that new hires feel supported and integrated from the start, enhancing their productivity and job satisfaction.

Identify skills gaps and tailor development opportunities

Groov’s data analytics help you identify where managers may need further development, whether in leadership, communication, or team management. By providing tailored learning opportunities, you ensure managers are equipped to handle their responsibilities and lead teams effectively in a dynamic environment.

Boost manager confidence and team performance

Groov supports continuous learning for managers by offering real-time feedback and actionable insights. This enables managers to develop leadership skills that directly impact team performance, improving outcomes for the entire organisation.


  • Groov provides real-time insights into how managers are leading their teams, helping executives identify leadership strengths and areas for improvement. These insights allow for timely support and targeted development, ensuring your managers are equipped to drive performance. Learn more.

  • Groov’s sentiment analysis captures feedback on managerial effectiveness, offering a clear picture of how employees feel about their leaders. This helps executives understand where additional coaching or development may be needed to boost team morale and leadership impact. Learn more.

  • Groov integrates directly into the flow of work, offering managers real-time guidance and leadership tips without disrupting daily operations. This helps managers stay focused on team performance and productivity while enhancing their leadership skills.

  • Groov’s feedback tools provide managers with anonymous input from their teams, offering insights into employee sentiment and engagement levels. This allows managers to address concerns early, fostering a more open and motivated work environment. Learn more.

  • Groov’s microlearning tools deliver short, actionable lessons that managers can apply immediately, helping them improve leadership skills, team communication, and decision-making. This ensures that managers can continuously develop without taking time away from their core responsibilities. Learn more.

  • Work with a dedicated Groov workplace scientist to analyse data and identify areas where managers can further develop their skills. This expert guidance ensures your managers are supported in their growth, leading to stronger teams and improved organisational performance. Learn more.



Groov continuously captures both active and passive data from your team.


Once data is collected, Groov’s advanced analytics tools go to work.


Groov serves up tailored, actionable insights in the flow of work.

Groov Together: Expert services for manager development

Groov Together offers expert-led workshops, coaching, and consulting designed to support the development of your managers. This optional add-on provides targeted training that helps managers refine their leadership style, enhance decision-making, and drive team success.

Groov’s workplace scientists collaborate with your leadership to create custom programmes that ensure managers are equipped with the skills they need to succeed in today’s business environment.

>> Explore Groov Together


The metrics we’re now able to track through the Groov platform allow us to not only see the results of initiatives we’ve put in place, but also where there remains areas of need & opportunities for improvement.
— John Frear, Group Capability & Performance Manager, Giltrap Group

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