Boost performance with microlearning moments

Keep your team sharp with quick, actionable learning moments that fit seamlessly into their work day, helping them build skills, improve performance, and stay ahead without missing a beat.

Learn in the flow of work

Microlearning fits right into your team’s day-to-day tasks, delivering quick lessons in the platforms they already use—such as Slack or MS Teams—without disrupting their workflow. By providing bite-sized, actionable insights in real-time, Groov ensures employees and managers can immediately apply what they’ve learned, in the moments that matter most.

Instant learning, lasting impact

With microlearning, employees and managers can take what they’ve learned and put it into practice immediately. These short, focused lessons are designed to address specific challenges, giving teams the tools they need to improve performance and solve problems on the spot. As people repeatedly apply these insights, they build a deeper understanding, creating a foundation for continuous growth and improvement over time.

Keep skills sharp with continuous learning

Groov’s microlearning moments help employees and managers stay at the top of their game with a steady flow of new knowledge and skills. Delivered in manageable, digestible pieces, this ongoing learning process keeps people engaged and ensures your team is always building towards peak performance.


  • Employees receive short, focused lessons that are designed to fit seamlessly into their workday, addressing specific challenges and skills relevant to their role.

  • Each microlearning moment provides employees with practical, easy-to-apply strategies they can use right away, ensuring that learning translates directly into performance improvements.

  • Groov's microlearning content is tailored to the unique needs of each employee or team, ensuring that lessons are relevant, impactful, and aligned with their day-to-day responsibilities.

  • Delivered through platforms like Slack and MS Teams, Groov's microlearning fits naturally into the tools employees already use, making it easy for them to access learning.

  • Groov's microlearning moments are part of a broader learning journey, offering ongoing lessons that build on each other to help employees and managers continuously develop their skills over time.

  • A dedicated workplace scientist will work alongside your team to monitor insights and performance trends, helping to design and implement the right microlearning moments at the right time. This ensures your employees and managers are always receiving relevant, targeted lessons that address current needs.


The Next Gen Platform For Understanding Your Employees


Groov automatically ingests data from the tools your team uses daily, spotting patterns and identifying anomalies and trends in real-time.


The Groov Index, powered by generative AI and our world-class behavioural science, delivers real-time executive scores, helping leaders take immediate action.


Your managers receive real-time insights and actionable next steps to support their teams, drive performance and business outcomes.

Enhance microlearning with Expert Services

Take your teams’ learning journey even further with Groov Together—expert-led workshops, coaching, consulting, and keynote sessions from leading workplace scientists. These tailored services are designed to complement Groov’s microlearning platform, helping employees deepen their skills, improve performance, and thrive in their roles.

>> Explore Groov Together


“LEAD/SHOW/CARE has been amazing working within our team, because it gives them practical skills and tools they can use in the moment with customers.”

Emma Noble-Beasley, General Manager Contact Centre, Kiwibank

Trusted by incredible teams globally


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