Turn employee feedback into actionable insights

Capture real-time feedback from your workforce, transforming it into data-driven insights that empower you to make informed decisions to lift performance across your organisation.

Open channels for honest, qualitative feedback

Groov Voice provides employees with a space to share their thoughts and experiences through open-text feedback, allowing for candid insights on how they feel about processes, workflows, and team dynamics. This qualitative feedback gives managers a deeper understanding of employee sentiment, revealing the emotions and perspectives that drive engagement.

Seamless feedback in the flow of work

With Groov Voice, feedback is captured without interrupting the workday. By integrating questions into the flow of work, employees can easily share their experiences in real-time. This ensures feedback is timely, relevant, and reflects the day-to-day realities of your workplace, making it easier for managers to address concerns and improve processes in the moments that matter.

Gain deep insights beyond metrics, without waiting on surveys

The qualitative feedback collected via Groov Voice uncovers the “why” behind trends in your real-time workplace data. Groov Voice allows you to dig deeper into the employee experience by gathering detailed responses. These insights reveal underlying motivations, tensions, challenges, and opportunities for improvement that might otherwise remain invisible.


  • Groov provides secure, anonymous channels for employees to share their thoughts, concerns, and ideas.

  • Groov doesn’t just collect feedback – it analyses it in real-time, helping you understand the overall mood and sentiment within your team. Whether it’s a sudden dip in morale or a surge of positivity, Groov helps you stay attuned to the emotional pulse of your workplace.

  • Employee feedback is only valuable if it leads to action. Groov turns the insights gathered from your team into practical recommendations, helping you address concerns, implement new ideas, and make decisions that improve the overall work environment.

  • Groov prioritises ethical data use, ensuring that all feedback is used to support and improve the employee experience. Data is aggregated and anonymised, protecting individual privacy while still providing valuable insights for leadership.

  • Groov delivers quick, actionable microlearning moments off the back of Groov Voice questions to help managers develop new skills.

  • You'll be assigned a dedicated workplace scientist to work with you to develop tailored Groov Voice prompts and questions and to assess the responses alongside you and your executive team.


The Next Gen Platform For Understanding Your Employees


Groov automatically ingests data from the tools your team uses daily, spotting patterns and identifying anomalies and trends in real-time.


The Groov Index, powered by generative AI and our world-class behavioural science, delivers real-time executive scores, helping leaders take immediate action.


Your managers receive real-time insights and actionable next steps to support their teams, drive performance and business outcomes.

Maximise the Impact of Groov Voice with Expert Services

Groov Together services enhance the impact of Groov Voice by helping you act on the rich, qualitative feedback gathered from employees. Our workplace scientists can deliver tailored workshops, keynotes, coaching, and consulting sessions that directly address feedback, showing employees that your organisation cares about their experiences and is committed to taking strategic action.

>> Explore Groov Together


“The data is just fantastic to be able to see in real time what’s going on both at an individual and a corporate level.”

James Sampson, Founder & CEO, FileInvite

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