Daily challenges for MHAW 2022

Share these challenges in your workplace to inspire people to explore the theme of Reconnect, the focus of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week.

You can also check out our daily reconnect live chats and hear how others are reconnecting this year.

Monday | Rāhina

What are your values?

Start Mental Health Awareness Week by reconnecting with you. Write down your values – or revisit them if you’ve already done so – to celebrate what you cherish most.

Ask yourself questions such as:

  • What’s important to me?

  • What makes me happy?

  • When have I felt most proud or fulfilled? 

Reconnecting with your values is a powerful way to honour what’s important to you in life. It’s especially useful when you’re feeling stressed, uncertain, or out of balance. 

Tuesday | Rātū

Who’s on your mind?

Take a moment to pause and think about the people in your life. Who’s on your mind? Is there someone you haven’t spoken to in awhile?

Today, challenge yourself to reconnect with someone you miss. Send them a text, email, or give them a call to say hello and let them know you’re thinking of them.

Here are a few conversation starters:

  • Just reaching out to say hello! How are things in your world?

  • Are you free this [date and time] for a [virtual or in-person catch up]?

  • I [listened/watched/read] a great [podcast/song/film/show/book] recently and thought you might like it, too! What have you been enjoying lately?

Connecting with people we care about is so good for us on so many levels. Social connection triggers oxytocin, has been linked to better physical health and longevity, and has been shown to contribute to lower levels of depression and anxiety. 

Wednesday | Rāapa

Where are your favourite places?

Reconnect with some of the places you love the most. Write down your favourite places in your local neighbourhood, the city/region where you live, and anywhere else that comes to mind.

Plan to visit some of these places soon (if you can) – even just knowing you have something to look forward to can give you a boost and help you better cope with stresses or strains.

If getting to your favourite place isn’t an option right now, look at photos and enjoy reminiscing – this can be great for your wellbeing, too.

You might benefit from asking yourself questions like:

  • What do I love about this place?

  • What memories does this place hold for me?

  • How can I plan to spend more time here?

  • Who do I enjoy sharing this place with?

Spending time in places that make us feel good is a great way to relax, unwind, and add some variety to our days.

Thursday | Rāpare

What can you do for your community today?

Giving back is powerful for our mental health – and it’s amazing for our communities, too. Today, reconnect with your community by identifying one cause (big or small) that you can support.

Here are some ideas:

  • Write a positive review for a local business

  • Sign up for a community event, such as a beach clean up or planting trees

  • Join your local community’s Facebook group or sign up to a community newsletter

  • Donate to a local charity

When we do what we can for others, it gives us a sense of purpose, as well as comfort in the thought that there are always people out there who are caring for those in need.

Friday | Rāmere

Where can you go to unplug?

Spending time in nature is great for wellbeing. Studies suggest that time in nature can boost your mood, reduce stress, improve creativity and problem solving, and even protect against anxiety and depression!

Today, think of somewhere in nature you can visit to unplug and unwind. This doesn’t have to be a deserted beach or secluded forest – sitting under a tree at a local park or spending time in your own backyard are great places to start.

If possible, leave your phone at home and enjoy a little digital detox! Soak up the present away from screens.

If you’re tight on time or away from green spaces, take a few moments to gaze at the clouds or the stars.

Want more Groov?


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