How to get more sleep as a new parent. Yes, it's possible!

New baby? Here are some tips on how to improve your sleep.

From night wakings to early starts, sleep can be a real rollercoaster with babies and toddlers.

In the first year of a baby’s life, many parents only average around five hours of sleep per night. Ouch! Some people can survive on five hours a night, but others might need much more.

It seems sleep deprivation and new parenthood go together like peanut butter and jam – but does it have to be this way?

While some sleep disruption is to be expected, there are ways to protect your sleep when you have young kids.

The key word here is protect. You have to become like a lioness protecting her cubs – extremely protective of any precious time you get to rest, so you can increase your nightly average. 

With that in mind, here are some tips for getting more sleep. 

1. Surrender your evenings (just for a season)

It’s very tempting to do all of the things in those few precious hours after the kids go to bed. From catching up on TV to checking your emails to scrubbing the house clean, there’s no shortage of things to keep you busy. 

But what’s really, truly important? Your sleep. Aim for an early bedtime, and you might be surprised at how productive you are the next day. The washing can always wait. 

2. Create a bedtime routine

You’ve likely created a blissful bedtime routine for your little ones – from a relaxing bath to warm milk in a dimly-lit room. Why not create a lovely evening ritual for yourself, too? Click here for advice on how to create bedtime rituals for happier, healthier, sleep.

3. Get natural light first thing in the morning 

As soon as you wake up, pull back the curtains or step outside for a dose of natural light. Early-morning sunlight helps you sleep better at night because it regulates your sleep-wake cycle and encourages good sleep patterns.

4. Seek quality of sleep

Most people sleep better without alcohol and caffeine in their system. For restorative, high-quality sleep, try to avoid coffee after lunchtime and pass on alcohol – at least until your little ones sleep through. You may not want to hear this, but let’s just say this phase of life won’t last forever!

5. Say yes to offers of help

Many people find it hard to accept offers of help. But when you’re a new parent, try to embrace any offers with open arms. Say “yes, please!” when someone you trust offers to make dinner, fold laundry, or watch your little ones for a few hours. It all makes a difference. 

6. Sleep when the baby sleeps (sometimes)

We know, we know – it’s not that simple. “Sleep when the baby sleeps” is one of the most contentious pieces of advice given to new parents. After all, a lot of extra work comes with looking after kids – like meal planning and endless loads of laundry. It’s pretty hard to sleep every time they do, but maybe you could set aside one or two naps per week for ‘you time’? Every bit of rest counts.

7. Squeeze in naps when you can

Nap during the day if you need to, at least five hours before bed time. A 20-minute power nap – during which you don’t descend into full sleep – shouldn’t affect your ability to sleep at night. It will, on the other hand, make you feel more vital and better able to cope.

Find out how to boost your energy with the perfect power nap.

8. Know that you matter

Try not to put yourself last. You’re important – more so than the washing or cleaning. New parenthood is a challenging season of life, so make it a top priority to look after yourself as best you can. Eat nourishing food, get plenty of fresh air, connect with people you love, and try to keep your sleep tank filled as high as possible, so next time a rough night strikes, you’ve got something in reserve.

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