Need inspiration? Watch the 5 most-watched TED Talks

These five TED Talks are the most-watched in the world – here’s why.

TED stands for technology, entertainment, and design, and is a nonprofit organisation aimed at “spreading ideas”.

Most commonly, these ideas come in the form of short but compelling TED Talks. Delivered in more than 100 languages to audiences around the world, they often help listeners and viewers to understand different perspectives, be enlightened and encouraged, and gain knowledge.

Currently, these are the five most popular TED talks in existence. With topics ranging from leadership to self-image to happiness, there’s something here for most people.

1. How great leaders inspire action - by Simon Sinek

Author of the book Start With Why, Simon Sinek had a TED hit when he shared his radical views on how great leaders begin and run successful companies or achieve great things. 

For him, it all comes back to motivation and purpose: “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” He lays out many different examples of successful and unsuccessful people and companies to back up his theory.

Watch his talk to be inspired along with millions of others.

Current views: 47,661,464. 

Leading a remote team during Covid-19? Click here for tips on how to promote wellbeing and happiness in remote workplaces.

2. The power of vulnerability - by Brene Brown

Brene Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston. She holds a PHD in social work and has spent a career studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. 

Take a look at “the power of vulnerability” to learn something about what it means to be human, together.

Current views: 44,961,482. 

3. Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model - by Cameron Russell

Although it might seem disingenuous to hear about looks being unimportant from someone who makes a living off hers, the popularity of this TED talk indicates that it’s something special. Having admitted she won a “genetic lottery,” Cameron goes on to discuss some of the privileges that her looks offer and the more questionable parts of the modelling world. 

Cameron’s TED talk is an honest look at image, how it affects us, and how even runway models can be hugely insecure about their looks.

Current views: 31,182,775.

Read this: Kind self-talk: How to be kinder to yourself about yourself.

4. What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness - by Robert Waldinger

You can’t draw any conclusive lessons about life and happiness from a study that covers just a few years. That’s a snapshot! 

Robert Waldinger is the director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, which has run for 75 years – making him well-qualified to talk on the topic. The clearest conclusion he shares? Good relationships make us happy and healthy.

Find out what other wisdom Robert has to share in his TED talk and pick out lessons you can apply to your own life.

Current views: 30,146,466.

5. The happy secret to better work - by Shawn Achor

Psychologist Shawn Achor has an interesting view on positivity and success in this popular TED talk. He posits that “If we can find a way of becoming positive in the present, then our brains work even more successfully as we're able to work harder, faster and more intelligently.” That is, happiness is something to achieve first, not through achievements or work.

Hear more about Shawn’s brand of positive psychology in his talk!

Current views: 21,093,540.

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