Oxytocin: A quick guide to the warm and fuzzy hormone

Meet the chemical that helps us ‘tend and befriend’

Oxytocin plays a role in some of the most important moments in our lives. From labour and birth to friendships and relationships, Oxytocin accompanies our positive interactions with one another.

For this reason oxytocin has been dubbed the ‘bonding hormone’. 

Ok, so what is Oxytocin?

Oxytocin is a small peptide that is produced within the hypothalamus part of the brain, and then released into the bloodstream by the pituitary gland. From there it binds to oxytocin receptors in the body to influence our behaviour and feelings.

When does it kick in?

Oxytocin is released in response to activation of sensory nerves - in particular during labour, breastfeeding and sexual activity.

But even lower intensity stimulation - think gentle touch, stroking or warm temperatures - can result in a release of oxytocin.

Not only is oxytocin released during positive human interactions but also in those between humans and animals, such as the bond you might have with a beloved family pet.

Can we increase our oxytocin levels?

As well as the oxytocin triggers we have discussed above, there are other smaller ways that we may be able to boost our levels day to day. In doing so we may also increase our feelings of warmth and empathy towards others.

Why not try some of these:

  • Put down your phone during conversations so you can look people in the eye and really connect with them 

  • Give someone a gift. Giving and receiving gifts is another way to show you care.

  • Make sure to tell the people you love how you feel about them

  • Share a meal with people. Spending quality time with people we care about can boost connection.

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