What can I do about bullying?

Here are some steps to take if you think you or someone you know is being bullied.

First up, know that no one is entitled to treat people like this.

If you think that you’re being bullied, talk to someone you trust about what you’ve experienced. 

Getting another point of view can be particularly helpful because some forms of bullying involve manipulating people in such a subtle way that it is hard for the recipient to call it out. They are left feeling undermined but also doubting themselves. This is sometimes known as gaslighting.

Reaching out is also important because bullies will often try to isolate their victims so they feel powerless.

If it’s a workplace issue, the first step is to know your rights. The next step might be to have a conversation with your manager.

You can find advice for how to tackle that here or read ‘How to have a difficult conversation’ in the Mentemia app.

If bullying is happening around you then try to be an active bystander. That is, if you see bullying going on, step up and support the person being bullied. Don’t just let it happen. 

Finally, don’t bully back. Countless Hollywood movies might tell us otherwise, but threatening someone in return is not the best course of action. 

This doesn’t mean we have to take it lying down. Just stay firm, confident and maintain your cool as much as you can. If you can be assertive but unemotional the bully does not get the thing they desire  - having a sense of power over you.

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