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What Groov does:

Our workplace wellbeing software platform drives a wellbeing first culture that is deeply embedded into the organisation. We tackle that across 3 layers: at an organisational wellbeing level, a leadership wellbeing level, and an employee/individual wellbeing level. It’s a tailored programme called Embed. With an evidence based approach, it focuses on action and behaviour change.

Used by leading Australian & New Zealand Workplaces

Leaders often put their wellbeing last. They focus on helping others.

Groov’s 6 Pillars help you put your wellbeing first, so you can better support your people. Science shows if you do one thing from each pillar everyday, you’ll feel more positive, be more resilient, and get more out of life. 

Take our 6 Pillar Quiz

Groov developed a 6 Pillar Quiz that highlights your wellbeing strengths and weaknesses. A great first step to starting your own personalised wellbeing plan. Share this resource with your team and help develop sustainable wellbeing habits.

Struggling with employee retention?

Read the latest research and learn how to move in the right direction.

Groov at a Glance

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