One Groov platform. One easy plan.

Begin lifting performance today through our leading wellbeing technology platform

Need tailored live sessions alongside the Groov platform? Make sure to explore Groov Together with us. Twelve months of engaging live sessions and enhanced customer success to accelerate impact and adoption at your workplace.

What’s included

For your employees

  • Groov Anywhere
    Integrated wellbeing into your daily work tools like MS Teams, Slack and many more. Get the right nudge and reminder at the right time.

  • My Groov
    Deeper wellbeing experiences across desktop and browser extensions including our ‘Youtube for wellbeing’ Channel Groov.

  • Groov Companion App
    Tools and techniques to lift wellbeing on the go

For you

  • Groov Central
    Help with real time insights across our platform that show you mood, resilience and burnout risk.



Why one plan?

We believe in simple and have made our whole platform accessible so you can use as much or as little of each part as you like.

What support do we get?

We have a dedicated customer success team here to help you launch and check-in regularly. For our customers needing more support and live sessions, make sure to ask about Groov Together.

How does onboarding work?

Our customer success team will work with you to create the ideal timeline to roll out Groov with maximum impact. Our Playbooks will give you ideas for a step-by-step guide to delivering a great kick-off.

Does the price depend on the amount of employees we have?

We have two pricing plans, a whole business plan for all your employees, and also a variable, usage based plan. We’ll work with you to help work out what is best for your business.

This all sounds great. How do I know it is clinically sound?

Our offering is grounded in science with over 200 years experience across our clinical team, drawing on the best of behavioural science and infusing it across our product.

We already have parts of what you offer in place from other providers. How does that work?

Our Sales & Customer Success team will work closely with you to understand how best we can help your workplace, leaders, and people and steer you to the right plan. Our workplace offering easily works alongside existing programs, can be gradually embedded, or used entirely as your wellbeing solution.

And what about EAP?

As a workplace wellbeing platform, Groov complements EAP as we help build good habits and rituals into the day-to-day of your workplace, which should lead to a more mentally well workforce. Groov does not replace EAP or the benefit of speaking one-on-one with someone, and ideally, they work alongside each other.

Join leading workplaces who have trusted Groov


Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

“So many staff have reached out to me to say thank you for giving them a tool they can use to look after themselves. Many have also shared this with their own family and friends. I think the most overwhelming sentiment from staff was that RACS really cares and doesn’t just pay lip service to a wellbeing philosophy.”

Sophie Lukeis, former People & Culture Manager, RACS

Fletcher Building Australia

“I’ve never been more proud to launch an initiative. Groov has been the catalyst for vulnerable conversations, increased wellbeing support, and continued collaboration in our business and we feel it has had a significant positive impact on our people.”

Rita Slogrove, Learning & Organisational Development Manager, Fletcher Building Australia

Giltrap Group

"The metrics we’re now able to track through the Groov platform allow us to not only see the results of initiatives we’ve put in place but also where there remain areas of need & opportunities for improvement.”

John Frear, Group Capability & Performance Manager, Giltrap Group

Ready to see how Groov can help your workplace wellbeing?