Recognising and preventing burnout with Suzi McAlpine
Sir John Kirwan is joined by renowned leadership coach Suzi McAlpine to talk about all things burnout related. Take a listen at how at an organisation, leadership and individual level you can understand, recognise and prevent burnout.
Suzi’s new book, Beyond Burnout, is available from 9th February 2021.
Beyond burnout
Leadership development specialist Suzi McAlpine is a seasoned speaker and author of the internationally acclaimed award winning leadership blog, The Leader’s Digest. She shares insights with JK from her upcoming book, Beyond Burnout, serving up amazing insights for leaders to work on in 2021. In a must listen for any people leader, Suzi covers the importance of building a culture of psychological safety, what burnout exactly is, and how to spot the signs in yourself and those around you.
In Episode 7 of Open Minded, JK and Suzi talk about their own experiences of burnout, what the 6 signs of burnout are and some great tips on how to model great wellbeing from the top table down.