Groov is proud to be the Workplace Wellness Festival Title Sponsor for 2022!

Groov is proud helping move the dial on all things workplace wellbeing.

Groov is passionate about helping companies move the dial on wellbeing and deeply embed workplace wellbeing.



What Groov do:

Our workplace wellbeing software platform drives a wellbeing first culture that is deeply embedded into the organisation. We tackle that across 3 layers: at an organisational wellbeing level, a leadership wellbeing level, and an employee/individual wellbeing level. It’s a tailored programme called Embed. With an evidence based approach, it focuses on action and behaviour change.

>> Get more information ahead of Workplace Wellness Festival 2022

Groov at a Glance

Impact - moving the dial

A workplace that truly cares and values their people. A platform that enables people to level up on their mental wellbeing. Groov already is showing significant impact with the organisations we work with. Employee perceptions of how their workplace cares for them are changing dramatically, and individual wellbeing scores are being lifted by as much as 20% across our clinically backed 6 pillar measure of wellbeing.

It’s not difficult to see how this will positively influence so many aspects of work, from productivity, talent retention, leader empathy, belonging, innovation, customer satisfaction and so much more.

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Key speakers at Workplace Wellness Festival 2022 - Sir John Kirwan

Sir John Kirwan is a mental health advocate and rugby legend. His colourful and irreverent style breaks down boundaries and engages global audiences. His 2012 knighthood was as much for his incredible contribution to de-stigmatising mental health alongside his incredible rugby union exploits.

He was recently interviewed on the Matty Johns podcast Face to Face - a must listen.

>> Add Matty Johns interviewing Sir JK to your podcast list now!

Key speakers at Workplace Wellness Festival 2022 - Dr Fiona Crichton

Dr Fiona Crichton delivers the brain science behind any story. There are not many people globally who can explain how the brain works in such an engaging, impactful way that leaves audiences feeling uplifted, inspired and informed that they now know the ‘why’. Consistently our audiences say our webinars and speaker sessions are not long enough at one hour, and immediately register for the next event.

You can listen to a recent interview with Dr Fiona with Duncan Garner on the Today Show.

>> Add Duncan Garner interviewing Dr Fiona on your podcast list now!

Find out more

We can’t wait to meet you at the Workplace Wellness Festival on 22-23 June. Want to get info on Groov ahead of then? Just fill out the form below!