The effects of bullying

It can be deeply traumatic to experience bullying, at any stage and place in life.

Bullying is a way of establishing social dominance over someone.

It is an unfair but, unfortunately, often effective way for someone to get what they want - at least in the short term. Bullies seem to lack the skills to exert their wishes or needs in a reasonable way that doesn’t cause harm to others.

Not surprisingly, bullying can be deeply traumatic for the person on the receiving end. As well as more obvious responses like fear, stress and humiliation it can also cause feelings of guilt - as if the bullying is somehow your fault - or loneliness because you are left feeling isolated and let down by friends or colleagues.

Bullying can affect not just the people directly involved but those who are around it too - for example if you’re working in a team or living in a home where bullying is taking place.

Experiencing bullying at work or school can leave people feeling scared to attend these places, leading to other negative consequences in their lives.

What’s important for us all to know is that bullying is not ok and there are things we can do to stop it...

Read What can I do about bullying? to find out more.

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How to spot bullying


What can I do about bullying?