How to relax your brain with deep breathing

Deep breathing sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. 

Deep, diaphragmatic breathing sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax.

You might know of deep breathing as ‘belly breathing’. It’s when you take deep, full breaths right into your belly, instead of short, sharp breaths into your chest.

Shallow breathing keeps your body in a state of stress and tension. It’s hard to feel calm when your body is on high-alert.

One way to train your body to breathe deeply is to take regular breathing breaks throughout your day. These are opportunities to focus on your breath and create moments of calm. 

Here are some ideas.

Daily deep breathing prompts

  1. Set an alarm reminding you to breathe. Here’s a list of 6 reminder apps for iPhone and Android smartphones.

  2. Take a breathing break every time you take a bathroom break.

  3. Breathe deeply as you make a cuppa.

  4. Take a few deep breaths before sending an email or making a phone call.

  5. Next time you’re out for a walk, stop and breathe deeply every time you cross the road.

  6. Breathe before breakfast, lunch, and dinner (and snacks, too!).

  7. Practise deep breathing as soon as you wake up.

  8. Take a few deep breaths before you go to sleep.

To practice your deep breathing, try the Guided Breathing Exercises in the Mentemia app. 

Find breathing exercises and more content like this in the Mentemia app.

Download it from your favourite app store today.


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