Groov Blog
Your source for the latest industry news and insights on unlocking performance through workplace science and workplace analytics.
3 relaxing bedtime rituals of highly successful people
Wonder how the rich and famous prepare for a good night’s sleep? We take a peep into the evening routines of Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, and Arianna Huffington.
5 stress busting techniques that really work
Add these techniques to your stress-busting toolbox.
Becoming better with boundaries
Sometimes the reason that we’re stressed is that we’re trying to do too much.
What do to when the heat is on
At this time of year the tank is often empty but the to-do list remains long.
Press Release: Meet Digital JK – John Kirwan’s (better looking) virtual twin
Digital humans are a game changer for mental health and wellbeing.
Introducing DJK ⏤ the AI sleep coach
He’s accessible wherever you are and here to help guide you to a better night's sleep. Meet Digital John Kirwan (DJK).
Conflict: When it takes you by surprise
How to respond to unexpected conflict without losing your cool.