Join the NZ Check-In for Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

Learn about yourself. Learn about the nation.

Starting this Mental Health Awareness Week 2024, we’re inviting everyone across New Zealand to take part in a nationwide check-in—a moment to pause, reflect, and connect with yourself and those around you.

What is the NZ Check-In?

The check-in is a simple wellbeing question delivered to your Groov App each morning. It’s for you—so you can take a moment to think about your mental health and learn more about yourself. But it's also for us as a nation—to take the pulse of how New Zealand is feeling, what people are putting in their day for them, and what we can do to improve wellbeing across the country.

How does it work?

We’ll be sending out a daily question through the Groov App throughout Mental Health Awareness Week. All you need to do is answer the question each morning.

How to get involved:

  1. Download the latest version of the Groov App if you haven’t already.

  2. Enable notifications (Account -> Notifications) so you don’t miss any of the daily check-ins.

  3. You’ll receive a question every morning of MHAW24.

This is an opportunity to reflect on your wellbeing and learn more about the nation. Your daily input can help create ideas for what you can put in your day, and create a clearer picture of how we’re all doing and what we can do to thrive together.

The NZ Check-In is a Groov Social Impact initiative.
Learn more about Groov Social Impact.


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